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Rome's First Carillon! Created by Schulmerich. His Eminence, Francis Cardinal Spellman is shown with the "Basilican"* and "Coronation"* carillon presented by him at the dedication of the North American College, Rome, Italy. The "Basillican" has been designed by Schulmerich to provide an instrument which will function as do the bells of St. Peter's. This it does – AND MORE – to maintain the liturgical tradition of the bells of Rome. The "Basilican" combined with a 25-bell "Coronation" carillon, a "Carillonic Bells"* instrument, gave the Eternal City its first taste of fine carillon music. Heed the recommendation of proved performance! Consult us today about a Schulmerich instrument FOR YOUR CHURCH. *"Basilican," "Coronation" and "Carillonic Bells" are trademarks for bell instuments of Schulmerich Electronics, Inc.

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255 KB

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Cop-Darc\Postcards\Europe\Vatican City\Vatican City-13B


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Vatican City, Piazza San Pietro (Vatican City), Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Carillons


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