Faculty Scholarship from 2024
Being Black and Buddhist, Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Faculty Scholarship from 2023
Introducing a Discussion on Jean-Pierre Ruiz’s "Revelation in the Vernacular", Jacqueline Hidalgo
Wisdom from a Reproductive Justice Framework, Emily Reimer-Barry
Beacons of Dharma: Spiritual Exemplars for the Modern Age. Edited by Christopher Patrick Miller, Michael Reading, and Jeffery D. Long. Landham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020, Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Sea Changes in the Lives of Japanese Buddhist Women in Hawai‘i, Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Wisdom from the Center of the Heart: The Life and Work of Pamela Ayo Yetunde So Far, Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Faculty Scholarship from 2022
Japanese Buddhist Women in Hawai‘i: Waves of Change, Karma Lekshe Tsomo
Faculty Scholarship from 2021
Challenging Bias against Women Academics in Religion, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2020
Claiming Notability for Women Activists in Religion, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Matching Concepts, Transgressing Boundaries: Buddhist Transmission Strategies in the International Buddhist Women's Movement, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Nurturing the Seeds of Zen: The Life and Legacy of Shundo Aoyama Rōshi, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2019
Another Pro-Life Movement is Possible, Emily Reimer-Barry
Out of the Shadows: Socially Engaged Buddhist Women, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2018
Bridging Worlds: Buddhist Women's Voices Across Generations, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Imagining Enlightenment: Icons and Ideology in Vajrayāna Buddhist Practice, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2017
Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action: Sakyadhita 15th International Conference on Buddhist Women, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Illustrating the Way: The Life and Times of Bhiksuni Shig Hiu Wan, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2016
Prayers of Resistance: Kalymyk Women's Covert Buddhist Practice, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2015
Compassion & Social Justice: 14th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2014
mujeres, espiritualidad y cambio social, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD and Teresa Forcades Vila
Faculty Scholarship from 2013
Buddhist Women and Religious Leadership, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2012
Mother Teresa and the Bodhisattva Ideal: A Buddhist View, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2010
Listening to Experience, Looking Toward Flourishing: Ethnography as a Global Feminist Theo/ethical Praxis, Melissa D. Browning, Edith Chamwama, Eunice Kamaara, Sussy Gumo Kurgat, Damaris Parsitau, Emily Reimer-Barry, Elisabeth Vasko, and Jeanine Viau
Gender Equity and Human Rights, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Lao Buddhist Women: Quietly Negotiating Religious Authority, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Women as Leaders in Buddhism, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2009
Being Buddhist, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Creating Religious Identity, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Socially Engaged Buddhist Nuns: Activism in Taiwan and North America, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2008
Buddhist Women in a Global Multicultural Community, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2007
North American Buddhist Women in the International Context, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Women Changing Buddhism: American Perspectives, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD, Sharon A. Suh PhD, and bell hooks PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2006
Dying, Death, and Afterlife from a Buddhist Perspective, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Renunciation in Contemporary Buddhist Monasticism, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Sakyadhita Pilgrimage in Asia: On the Trail of the Buddhist Women's Movement, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 2004
Everyday Dharma and Perfect Enlightenment: Contemporary Buddhist Hermeneutics, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD
Faculty Scholarship from 1994
Buddhist Ethics in Japan and Tibet: A Comparative Study of the Adoption of Bodhisattva and Pratimoksa Precepts, Karma Lekshe Tsomo PhD