
Faculty Scholarship from 2024


Restorative Justice in Higher Education Institutions: A Review of the Literature, David R. Karp PhD

Faculty Scholarship from 2023


Strategies for School Counselors-in-Training to Maximize Their Supervision Experience, Nancy Chae, Adrienne Backer, and Patrick R. Mullen


Becoming a Restorative University, David R. Karp PhD


Exploring Adolescents’ Occupational Possible Selves: The Role of Gender and Socioeconomic Status, Yaoran Li, Hanxiang Du, Ian Martin, Edward Hidalgo, Yang Jiang, Wanli Xing, and Vitaliy Popov


Preparing School Counseling Trainees in Professional Legislative Advocacy, Patrick R. Mullen, Adrienne Backer, Jennifer K. Niles, and Nancy M. Chae


The Influence of Relational Aggression and Attachment Insecurity on Sexual Dissatisfaction: Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model, Min Xu PhD LMFT, Lee N. Johnson, and Sarah M. Coyne

Faculty Scholarship from 2022


Understanding the Limits of Transnational NGO Power: Forms, Norms, and the Architecture, Hans Peter Schmitz


Emotion Dysregulation and Couple Relationship Satisfaction of Clinical Couples: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, Min Xu PhD LMFT, Lee N. Johnson PhD, Shayne R. Anderson PhD, Quintin Hunt PhD, Angela B. Bradford PhD, Alyssa Banford Witting PhD, Roy Bean PhD, and Rick B. Miller PhD

Faculty Scholarship from 2021


A Dilemma Within Doctoral Supervision: Applying an Ethical Decision-Making Model, Nancy Chae, David R. Gosling, Jeremy R. Goshorn, and Shuhui Fan


How Billionaires Explain Their Philanthropy: A Mixed-Method Analysis of the Giving Pledge Letters, Hans Peter Schmitz, George E. Mitchell, and Elena M. McCollim

Faculty Scholarship from 2020


The Tenure-Track Life: Experiences of New Faculty in Tenure-Track Positions, David R. Gosling, Nancy M. Chae, and Jeremy R. Goshorn


Data on ACT Program 2020, Rebekka Jez


Creating Authentic Contexts for Transnational Language Learning and Teaching in TESOL Teacher Education: Online ELT for Kenyan Youth, Sarina Chugani Molina


Growing Emerging Researchers in a TESOL Teacher Education Program: Implications for Feedback Practice, Sarina Chugani Molina


I’m From Foreign: Transnational Identity Construction in the Journey of Being and Becoming an ESOL Educator, Sarina Chugani Molina


Restorative Justice Approaches To The Informal Resolution Of Student Sexual Misconduct, Madison Orcutt B.A., Patricia M. Petrowski J.D., David R. Karp PhD, and Jordan Draper Phd


A Resource Guide for Schools and Districts: Addressing Racism in the Education System, Joi Spencer PhD and Kerri A. Ullucci PhD


US School Counselor State Licensure Requirements for Program US School Counselor State Licensure Requirements for Program Evaluation Evaluation, Michael S. Trevisan, John C. Carey, Ian Martin, and NarayanKripa Sundararajan


Resources for Teaching about Racism and Police Violence, Kerri A. Ullucci PhD and Joi Spencer PhD

Faculty Scholarship from 2019


School Counseling Toward a Mission of “IB for All” School Counseling Toward a Mission of “IB for All”, Nancy Chae and Susanne P. Gray-Rice


Activities and Role of School-Based Counselors in the US: A National Survey of American Counseling Association Members, Kui Y. Fan, John C. Carey, Ian Martin, and Lijuan He


Restorative Justice and Responsive Regulation in Higher Education: The Complex Web of Campus Sexual Assault Policy in the United States and a Restorative Alternative, David R. Karp PhD


Restorative Justice in Colleges and Universities: What Works When Addressing Student Misconduct, David R. Karp PhD and Meghan Schachter


Cultivating a Sense of Critical Consciousness in Teacher Candidates within a Community-based Adult ESL Program, Sarina Chugani Molina


Comparison of School Characteristics among RAMP and Non-RAMP Schools, Patrick R. Mullen, Nancy Chae, and Adrienne Backer

Faculty Scholarship from 2018


Addressing Individual and Community Needs in the Aftermath of Campus Sexual Misconduct: Restorative Justice as a Way Forward in the Re-Entry Process, David R. Karp PhD

Faculty Scholarship from 2017


Mentoring Graduate Students through the Action Research Journey Using Guiding Principles, Sarina Chugani Molina and Joi A. Spencer

Faculty Scholarship from 2016


Comparing Global Alcohol and Tobacco Control Efforts: Network Formation and Evolution in International Health Governance, Uwe Gneiting and Hans Peter Schmitz


School Counseling Faculty Perceptions and Experiences Preparing Elementary School Counselors, Emily Goodman-Scott NCC, Jennifer Scaturo Watkinson, Ian Martin, and Kathy Biles NCC


High-Level Creativity for Nonprofit and For-Profit Organizations: Inspiration or Perspiration, Leslie Hennessy


Anxiously Awaiting the Future of Restorative Justice in the United States, David R. Karp PhD and Olivia Frank B.A.


Campus PRISM: A Report on Promoting Restorative Initiatives for Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses, David R. Karp PhD, Julie Shackford-Bradley, Robin Wilson, and Kaaren Williamsen


English language teaching in China: Teacher Agency in Response to Curricular Innovations, Sarina Chugani Molina


The Complexity of Providing Feedback when Teachers and Students Speak Different Varieties of English in Transnational Language Teaching Contexts, Sarina Chugani Molina


The Global Health Network on Alcohol Control: Successes and Limits of Evidence-based Advocacy, Hans Peter Schmitz


A Framework on the Emergence and Effectiveness of Global Health Networks, Jeremy Shiffman, Kathryn Quissell, Hans Peter Schmitz, David L. Pelletier, Stephanie L. Smith, David Berlan, Uwe Gneiting, David Van Slyke, Ines Mergel, Mariela Rodriguez, and Gill Walt


The Emergence and Effectiveness of Global Health Networks: Findings and Future Research, Jeremy Shiffman, Hans Peter Schmitz, David Berlan, Stephanie L. Smith, Kathryn Quissell, Uwe Gneiting, and David Pelletier

Faculty Scholarship from 2015


Mediating Teacher Learning Through Dialogical Learning Spaces Integrated in a Practicum Experience, Sarina Chugani Molina


Transnational English Language Teaching: Opportunities for Teacher Learning and Development, Sarina Chugani Molina


Mentor Texts Squared: Helping Students Explore Voice Through Readings That Promote Critical Consciousness, Sarina Chugani Molina and Mark Manasse

Faculty Scholarship from 2014


Distortions and Dichotomies in Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Cambodia in the Context of Globalisation and International Development, Maya Kalyanpur PhD


Student Conduct, Restorative Justice, and Student Development: Findings from the STARR Project (Student Accountability and Restorative Research Project), David R. Karp PhD and Casey Sacks


Development of a Logic Model to Guide Evaluations of the ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs, Ian Martin and John C. Carey

Faculty Scholarship from 2013


Romanticizing Culture: The Role of Teachers’ Cultural Intelligence in Working With Diversity, Sarina Chugani Molina


The Value of Meaning-Making and Cultural Knowledge for Teachers Working in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts, Sarina Chugani Molina


Defining Global Education, Sarina Chugani Molina and Heather Lattimer

Faculty Scholarship from 2012


A Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in Practice: Evaluating NGO Development Efforts, Hans Peter Schmitz

Faculty Scholarship from 2011


Paradigm and paradox: Education for All and the inclusion of children with disabilities in Cambodia, Maya Kalyanpur PhD


Lost in Translation: Strategies Japanese Language Learners Use in Communicating Culturally Specific L1 Expressions in English, Sarina Chugani Molina and Noriyuki Inoue


The Internationalization of a School Counseling Program at a Catholic University: Reflections Generated by a Community of Practice, Erika Nash Cameron, Ian Martin, Lonnie Rowell, Peggy Heatherington, and Susan Zgliczynski

Faculty Scholarship from 2008


Equality, quality and quantity: challenges in inclusive education policy and service provision in India, Maya Kalyanpur PhD


The Paradox of Majority Underrepresentation in Special Education in India: Constructions of Difference in a Developing Country, Maya Kalyanpur PhD

Faculty Scholarship from 2005


Diversity and Technology: Classroom Implications of the Digital Divide, Maya Kalyanpur PhD and Mubina H. Kirmani Ed.D.

Faculty Scholarship from 2004


Impact of the Social Construction of LD on Culturally Diverse Families: A Response to Reid and Valle, Maya Kalyanpur PhD and Elizabeth Harry PhD


Reluctant Participants in Restorative Justice? Youthful Offenders and their Parents, David R. Karp PhD and Gordon Bazemore

Faculty Scholarship from 2001


Harm and Repair: Observing Restorative Justice in Vermont, David R. Karp PhD